NiftyHMS is a safe and cost-effective health software that allows you to provide proactive care to your patients. This mobile and web-based platform saves patients’ comprehensive health records, allows for immediate access to emergency treatment, allows for quick and easy appointment booking, creates reminders, and records patient vitals. Everything works perfectly!

Phase: Treatment and discharge

Archatype: Bernadette
75 years old; has coronary artery disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and diabetes.
Lives with husband, who has limited mobility; struggles to secure healthy nutrition.
Current state
Admitted to hospital with a heart attack.
Discharged to a skilled nursing facility because of concerns about staying safe and engaged at home.
Potential future state
Once recovered from a heart attack, evaluated by a physician; sent home with an assigned nurse and care manager.
Set up with remote patient monitoring.
Has daily telehealth visits with a physician coupled with in-person care from a nurse .
Care at Home interventions
Remote patient monitoring.
Hospital at-home program.

* Content From Mckinsey & Company