
AI Healthcare
AspectBefore 2010During 2020: WhatsApp Chatbot with
Future 2030: AI Revolutionwith NiftyHMS
Appointment BookingAppointment
Phone callsWhatsApp chatbots streamline bookingAI Assistant will book a doctor’s appointment by talking to you like a Virtual friend
Medical Records
Medical Records
Paper-basedWeb-based recordsAI summarizing relevant data, identifying key insights, and highlighting critical findings
Patient Interaction with support staffPatient Interaction
with support staff
In-person visitsOn whatsApp and callAI systems can answer patients’ questions, provide guidance on preventive care measures
Administrative TasksAdministrative TasksManual and time-consumingManaged through EMR systemsAI driven personalized messages to patients via email, text, or voice calls, prompting them to schedule appointments, follow-ups and adhere to treatment plans.
Disease Prediction Disease
Based on ReportsBased on historical dataAI can detect early signs of diseases, predict patient outcomes, and flag potential risks based on historical data.
Lab ReportsLab ReportsManual handlingDigitalized reportsAI-powered image analysis tools can highlight areas of concern, quantify disease severity, and facilitate more accurate interpretations of medical images.
PrescriptionsPrescriptionsHandwritten or printedElectronic prescriptionsAI-Assisted Speech to Text-based Prescription
Medicine DeliveryMedicine
In-person collectionDelivered at HomeAI-powered Drone Delivery
Body VitalsBody VitalsManual measurement of vital during appointments.Automated tracking of Body vitals using digital tools.AI continuously monitors and interprets body vitals.
Patient Monitoring
Patient Monitoring
Monitoring is limited to in-person visits or periodic
Continuous monitoring is enabled through digital systems.AI-driven CCTV to detect patient face emotions, body posture ensuring real-time patient care and sending alerts.
Preventive CarePreventive
Emphasis on reactive care with occasional check-ups.Introduction of proactive monitoring for early detection.AI Suggested tips on Health, Fitness, Lifestyle and Nutrition to Prevent Disease.
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