NiftyHMS @THE BENGALURUTECH SUMMIT 2022 We had an incredible time at #bengalurutecsummit 2022! We were hoping to share more during the day but there was just too much going on. We received an amazing response for NiftyHMS – Healthcare Software. We made a ton of great connections and invaluable feedback throughout the three days. Days […]
The patient has booked primary care physician appointments on Whatsapp and gets confirmation quickly. Remote consulting was done via WhatsApp and delivered A1C tests were in advance to send back via mail at home. Phase: Diagnosis Archatype: Emerging risk Doesn’t drive; has a husband and a son 50 years old; has obesity and other risk […]
E-prescribing allows a physician or other medical expert to create a medical prescription for a patient electronically. The attending physician will then share this digital prescription with the patients or send it directly to a pharmacy. Phase: Provider consultation Archatype: Healthy/low risk 20 years old; has no chronic conditions Not married and has no children […]