
WhatsApp Appointment booking

Clinics in Teesside are using WhatsApp Business to make communication with patients faster and easier. This simple tool helps clinics stay in touch with patients, send reminders, and share updates or offers quickly.

Ayurvedic Clinics:

Dental Clinics:

Physiotherapy Centers:

Veterinary Clinics:

    • Track Pet Health :  Create forms to keep records of pets’ health, treatments, and vaccinations.
    • Manage Pet Care : Easily manage the treatment history for each pet.

Homeopathy Practices:

Pediatric Clinics:

Neurology and Spine Clinics:

Eye Clinics:

Chiropractors and Osteopaths:

Acupuncture Practices:

IVF Clinics:

Gynecology and Wellness Centers:

Orthopedic Care:

    • Recovery Tips : Provide post-surgery care tips through WhatsApp.
    • Service Offers : Send patients information about orthopedic treatments and promotions.

Cosmetic Surgery:

    • Care Tips : Provide instructions for post-surgery care. 
    • Promotions : Share special offers on cosmetic surgeries and treatments.

Diabetes and Diet/Nutrition Clinics:


Why Choose NiftyHMS for Your Practice?

    • Fast Communication: Send messages to patients instantly.
    • Easy Marketing: Promote services and special offers with ease.
    • Better Engagement: Keep patients informed and engaged through simple, automated messages
    • Time-Saving: Automate reminders and follow-ups to save time and reduce admin work.  
  • WhatsApp Business is a great tool for clinics in Teesside. It helps with sending reminders, promoting services, and keeping patients connected. Whether you run a dental clinic, physiotherapy center, or veterinary practice, WhatsApp Business can help you improve communication and make your clinic run more smoothly.
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